Florin Müller
Swiss Business Hub India
c/o Consulate General of Switzerland
102 Maker Chamber IV, 10th floor, 222 Jamnalal Bajaj Marg, Nariman Point
400 021 Mumbai
The Swiss Business Hub India (SBHI) is the official office of the Swiss federal government’s official trade and investment promotion agency, Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE). The SBHI is headquartered at the Consulate General of Switzerland in Mumbai and has additional representatives at the Embassy of Switzerland in New Delhi and the Consulate General of Switzerland in Bangalore. The SBHI has two primary mandates
- Swiss Export Promotion: Geared towards supporting Swiss exporters to enter the market in India and Bhutan, the SBHI helps Swiss companies understand opportunities in the Indian market and find the right channels / partners to enter the market. Among others, the SBHI helps identify local distributors, partners, potential customers as well as seek clarification on market and regulatory topics..
- Investment Promotion: The SBHI identifies and supports Indian companies seeking to invest in Switzerland by establishing an office to carry out activities such as R&D, trading, sales & marketing, intellectual property licensing, etc. The SBHI acts as a first point of contact for Indian companies and works closely with the various economic development offices of the Cantons / Regions of Switzerland to support investors.
For additional information on the services and activities of the SBHI, please visit the following pages:
Swiss Business Hub: Export Promotion
S-GE: Swiss Business Hub India
LinkedIn: Swiss Business Hub Showcases