SICC is a bi-national, private sector, non-profit association with 400 Swiss and Indian members.
It is the leading platform for doing cross-border business between Switzerland and India.
How does SICC achieve its objectives?
We navigate our members to the core of Swiss-Indian business and provide a platform for exchanging information, experience and technology among peers. We collaborate with thought leading institutions and organisations to provide access to relevant research concerning national and bi-national developments.

In Switzerland and India, we open doors for our members when they look for business partners, experts, and contacts with Government and Authorities in Switzerland and India. We do so by providing networking opportunities and maintaining meaningful relationships with relevant stakeholders.
We are an acknowledged partner of the Governments, Embassies, Consulates and relevant Authorities in Switzerland and India. We promote their cooperation in order to foster bilateral business relationships. As a politically and denominationally neutral association, we mediate between politics, authorities and businesses and strive to safeguard the interests of our members doing business in Switzerland and India.

How does SICC achieve its objectives?

We navigate our members to the core of Swiss-Indian business and provide a platform for exchanging information, experience and technology among peers. We collaborate with thought leading institutions and organisations to provide access to relevant research concerning national and bi-national developments.

In Switzerland and India, we open doors for our members when they look for business partners, experts, and contacts with Government and Authorities in Switzerland and India. We do so by providing networking opportunities and maintaining meaningful relationships with relevant stakeholders.

We are an acknowledged partner of the Governments, Embassies, Consulates and relevant Authorities in Switzerland and India. We promote their cooperation in order to foster bilateral business relationships. As a politically and denominationally neutral association, we mediate between politics, authorities and businesses and strive to safeguard the interests of our members doing business in Switzerland and India.