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Webinar on Smart Cities
May 12, 2020 @ 18:00 - 19:30

Nishith Desai Associates as part of NDA cCep, along with Swiss Indian Chamber of Commerce and their client, 2000 Watt Smart City Association (2000WSCA), the extended arm of the Swiss government, authorized to represent and confer the international label 2000WattSite to townships, towns, cities and regions in India, cordially invites you to a join us for a fascinating discussion with Shri. Vikram Kumar, Metropolitan Commissioner, Pune Metropolitan Region Development Authority, founders of 2000Watt SmartCities and experts from the infrastructure, financial corporations and insurance sector. Mr. Devendra Fadnavis is likely to join the session.
This session is one of the many ways in which Nishith Desai and Associates is collaborating with their client, 2000WSCA and its investors to create awareness about the benefits of 2000Watt SmartCities offering its residents maximum quality and minimum resources consumption. 2000Watt SmartCities is of utmost importance to deliver India’s commitments of COP21 Paris treaty while achieving the targets of sustainable growth. India being a rapidly developing nation is approaching to cross the per capita energy consumptions beyond the universal acceptable limits. 2000Watt SmartCities concept intends to regulate the development initiatives of Indian smart cities to make it environmentally, economically as well as socially sustainable.
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