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‘Make in India’ A Roundtable presentation about Investing in India
December 5, 2016

Organised by the Indian Embassy in Bern – A roundtable seminar presentation with the CEO of Andhra Pradesh Economic Development Board Mr Krishna Kishore, Mr Bojjala Gopalakrishna Reddy, Minister for Environment and Forests, Science & Technology of Andhra Pradesh.
An event supported by SICC & Swiss Global Enterprise. All registrations are handled by the Embassy of India
Members should contact: suki.dusanj-lenz@sicc.ch for further information or referrals to the Embassy.
Attendance is restricted to registered guests only. Full programme is disclosed directly to registered guests.
08:30 – Arrivals
09:00 – Introductions
– Panel 1: Investment in India
– Panel 2: Investment in Switzerland
– Panel 3: Research & Development
13:15 – Lunch
Venue: Event-Lounge Foyer, Schwellenmätteli Restaurants, Riviera, Restaurants SA, Dalmaziquai II, CH-3000 Berne-13