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10th Ambassador’s Golf Cup 2015
September 4, 2015

Dear Members and Friends of the Swiss-Indian Chamber of Commerce,
The Swiss-Indian Chamber of Commerce and the Swiss-Asian Chamber of Commerce are pleased to announce the 10th Ambassador’s Golf Cup to take place on Friday, 4th of September 2015 at Golf Andermatt.
Since its inauguration this event has become the platform of networking and pleasure for businessmen and diplomats.Non-golfers are also kindly invited to join-in at the putting competition in the afternoon or a sight-seeing tour around Andermatt and a special dinner with an
award show in the evening.
We have negotiated special rates with the Chedi (Hotel/Condominium) for accommodation; please contact the secretariat for the rates.
The Ambassador’s Golf Cup will take place as follows:
Date: Friday, 4th September, 2015
Time: 09.00 h Registration, in the reception area of Golf Andermatt
10.00 h Golf tournament for handicap holders only
14.00 h Putting green for non-golfers
19.00 h Apéro (dinner registration for Non-Golfers)
19.30 h Dinner with prize giving at The Chedi Andermatt, Gotthardstrasse 4, 6490 Andermatt
Venue: Golfcourse Andermatt, Andermatt Swiss Alps AG, CH-6490 Andermatt
Phone: 041 888 78 00, www.andermatt-golf.ch
Registration: by returning the form in this link to Swiss-Asian Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 1073, CH-8032 Zurich or fax 041/620 88 03
or e-mail:sacc@sacc.ch by Friday, 14th of August, 2015.
We are looking forward to your participation, don’t miss this great event!