Indo-Swiss Joint Research Programme: Blue sky research/basic research in the life sciences

The Indo-Swiss Joint Research Programme (ISJRP) was initiated by the Indian and Swiss governments in 2005 in order to further advance the bilateral cooperation in scientific and technological areas of strategic relevance to both countries. The programme supports cutting-edge research that brings together faculty and young researchers from Switzerland and India. The current ISJRP call for Joint Research Projects (JRPs) is financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Re-search and Innovation (SERI) in Switzerland and the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) in India on the principles of reciprocity, parity and activity-matching funding. (Opening date: 15/01/2018; closing date: 16/04/2018)
Source: Department of Biotechnology (DBT) in India (Call for joint research projects)